Invited as Judge at national project prototype competition "Navdhara" at Dev Bhoomi Groups of Institutes. Date- 26th April 2017
Showing posts from December, 2017
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AISC Book Series, Springer Proceeding of International Conference on Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices ICICCD 2016 Editors: Singh , Rajesh, Choudhury , Sushabhan (Eds.) The book presents high-quality research papers presented at the first international conference, ICICCD 2016, organised by the Department of Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering of University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun on 2 nd and 3 rd April, 2016. The book is broadly divided into three sections: Intelligent Communication, Intelligent Control and Intelligent Devices. The areas covered under these sections are wireless communication and radio technologies, optical communication, communication hardware evolution, machine-to-machine communication networks, routing techniques, network analytics, network applications and services, satellite and space communications, technologies for e-communication, wireless Ad-Hoc and sensor net...
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AISC Book Series, Springer Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices Proceedings of ICICCD 2017 Editors: Singh , Rajesh, Choudhury , Sushabhan, Gehlot , Anita (Eds.) The book focuses on the integration of intelligent communication systems, control systems, and devices related to all aspects of engineering and sciences. It contains high-quality research papers presented at the 2nd international conference, ICICCD 2017, organized by the Department of Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering of University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun on 15 and 16 April, 2017. The volume broadly covers recent advances of intelligent communication, intelligent control and intelligent devices. The work presented in this book is original research work, findings and practical development experiences of researchers, academicians, scientists and industrial practitioners.
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International Conference on “Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices-2017” Dated: 15 th & 16 th April 2017. Convener & Editor- Dr. Rajesh Singh, Dr. Sushabhan Choudhury, Anita Gehlot Chief Guest- Dr. A Senthil Kumar, Director- IIRS, Dehradun Guest of Honor- Dr. R.P.Dixit, Scientist ‘G’, DEAL, Dehradun Keynote Speakers- Dr. Tan Cher Ming, Professor, Chung Gung University, Taiwan and Dr. Soumen Das, IIT Kharagpur Delegates on Dice- Dr. A Senthil Kumar- Director- IIRS, Dehradun, Dr. R.P.Dixit- Scientist ‘G’, DEAL, Dehradun, Dr. Manish Prateek- Director (CIT), Dr. Piyush Kuchhal- Associate Dean(CoES)
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International conference on Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices -2016 Convener & Editors- Dr. Rajesh Singh & Dr. S.Choudhury Dated- 2nd and 3rd April 2016 . About the conference The Department of Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, organized the fi rst International Conference on Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices (ICICCD 2016) held on 2nd and 3rd April 2016 . ICICCD focus on the integration of intelligent communication systems, control systems and devices related to all aspects of engineering and sciences. ICICCD 2016 aims to provide an opportune forum and vibrant platform for researchers, academicians, scientists and industrial practitioners to share their original research work, fi ndings and practical development experiences. The proceedings are published in the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) book series of Springer . The general aim o...
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Date- 16 Nov. 2016 Convener- Dr. Rajesh Singh It gives me immense pleasure to share that the department of Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering of University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, organized a national seminar on “Growth Driven New Capabilities in Electronic Design and Innovation in Industries and its Positive Impact on Job Opportunities” on 15 th Nov 2016 at The Aim of the Seminar was to gather Industrialist and academicians from all over India and provide platform for students to interact with them and get aware about job opportunities and preparation for it, in the field of Electronics and Instrumentation. I would like to thank our honorable chancellor Dr.S.J.Chopra, CEO & President Mr.Utpal Ghosh, Vice chancellor Dr. Shrihari Honwad, Mr. Sanjeev Zutshi- Senior Director-Operation& Institutional affairs, Mr. Arun Dhand, Director-government operations, Vice President-Academic Affairs Dr. S.R.Das, Dean CoES Dr. Kamal Bansal, Brig. S.S Dhi...
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The most awaiting event of 2017, one more book release on Embedded System with Taylor & Francis/CRC press. Our book titled- Arduino-Based Embedded Systems: Interfacing, Simulation, and LabVIEW GUI with ISBN: 9781138060784. Authors- Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Bhupendra Singh, Sushabhan Choudhury Link-…/Singh-Gehlo…/p/book/9781138060784 Book is also available on Amazon-…/…/ref=sr_1_1…
Dated: 17th Nov. 2017- Best Researcher award at MANTHAN-2017 @ Regenda LP Villas hotel, Dehradun
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Book "Embedded system based on ATMEGA Microcontroller"
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The official launch of our book titled, "Embedded System based on Atmega Microcontroller" by Higher Education Minister of Uttrakhand - Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat". With VC (UPES)-Dr. Shrihari, Director External Affairs (UPES)- Dr. Arun Dhand, Sr.Director operations-Dr. Sanjeev Zutsi, Director operation- Dr. Dhillion, Authors- Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Sushabhan Choudhury, Bhupendra Singh Publisher- NAROSA Publishing house